
Posts Tagged ‘bananas and sports drinks’

I eat a banana just about every day. I got back into a habit of eating them regularly about a year ago when I started working out harder and doing more serious strength training, which resulted in much sorer muscles. They’re a great source of energy, but also provide important nutrients like antioxidants, vitamin B6, and potassium. Everybody needs potassium, especially physically active people, because its essential for healthy muscle growth and functioning. Low potassium intake is linked to muscle cramping. Ever had a charlie horse? (YOW)

Something else to consider: we lose potassium (and sodium) through heavy sweating during more intense exercise, so athletes and serious exercisers may need to consume a little bit more to replenish what they’ve lost and maintain optimal levels. Potassium is also important for heart health and is involved in regulating blood pressure and cardiac muscle contractions (heart beats).

Because I’m a big believer in bananas, I was excited to read about a new study published by the Public Library of Science that found bananas have the same athletic performance enhancement benefits as traditional sports drinks. The study compared blood tests and performance outcomes of cyclists consuming either sports drinks or half a banana periodically throughout the course of a 75 kilometer (2.5 to 3 hour) bike ride.

Aside from being just as good in terms of performance enhancement, researchers also point out bananas contain lots of other important good-for-you stuff that sports drinks don’t, which are often just a new version of sugar water. Bananas contain healthier, natural sugar and because they also contain fiber, the sugar in them is digested more slowly than refined sugar so it gently raises and lowers your blood sugar as its digested. Refined sugars typically spike your blood sugar very quickly, which results in a blood sugar crash soon after.

Something else to note is that the study was funded by Dole, so of course it found that bananas are awesome. But their nutritional merits are well established and these findings are not hard to believe at all. Something else cool about bananas is that they’re super cheap. (19 cents at Trader Joe’s!).

A few other high potassium foods I’m a big fan of: avocados, sweet potatoes, citrus fruit, cantaloupe, tomatoes, and leafy greens.

Toasted peanut butter banana sandwiches can be indescribably delicious

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